Celebrating Pioneers!

Over a decade ago, Gary and Mary in western garb took part in a wagon train near the Whispering Springs Farm in Utah. Gary’s real-life pioneering activities include homesteading in Canada, founding a multimillion-dollar company, building essential oil distilleries, and planting trees and herbs to distill on farms from the Americas (North and South) to Europe to the Far and Middle East. Whether operating farm equipment or the GC-MS instrument in one of his laboratories, Gary is ever grateful for more than 250,000 dedicated Young Living members and wishes them—Happy Pioneer Day!
Every year on July 24 Utah Pioneer Day is celebrated with a large parade, rodeo, fireworks, and many other family, community, and state activities. Pioneer Day honors the first wagon train of LDS pioneers driven from their homes in Nauvoo, Illinois, that finally arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847.
Challenged to make their new desert home “blossom as the rose,” pioneers by the thousands continued for decades to trek across America’s plains from their homes in England, Europe, and Scandinavia.
The word “pioneer” describes people who step out of their comfort zone and change their lives to initiate a new business endeavor or discover a new modality to bless the lives of others.
Drawing on his pioneer heritage, D. Gary Young crafted his own increased health with the then little-known modality of essential oils. Finding out that quality oils were difficult to find, he learned the art of distillation and founded farms, partnerships, and distilleries for the production of essential oils in countries throughout the world.
By lecturing, writing books, and conducting scientific studies, Gary has shared his discoveries with people worldwide who are determined to find wellness, purpose and abundance through using and sharing their knowledge of essential oils.
You, too, are an essential oil pioneer as you share your own experiences with essential oils. Every conversation has the potential to ripple out and reach untold numbers of people.
On this Pioneer Day, Young Living Essential Oils salutes you as Essential Oil Pioneers for your courage and tenacity in sharing Gary Young’s vision with the world. Thank you!
Happy Pioneer Day!