Finding the Real Staff of Life

Gary’s book tells of his worldwide search to find a healthy grain like the wheat of his youth. He now has einkorn grain growing on three of his Young Living farms.
As you will read in my new book, Ancient Einkorn: Today’s Staff of Life, my mother was one of the people in my life who really drove me to start looking for answers. I couldn’t understand how a person 26 years old could have rheumatoid arthritis and suffer as much as my mother did with swollen joints that just continued to swell more and more every day.
As I’ve written in my book, an early memory with my mother was when I was in Grade 3. One night she was sitting in the rocking chair beside the wood stove. Her hands were hurting her and I couldn’t figure out what to do. So I just took her hand and started rubbing it; and she said, “Oh, Son, that really helps.” Then she said, “I want you to do well in school, because I want you to become a doctor. You’ve got healing hands.”
I said, “Mom, I don’t want to be a doctor; I want to be a cowboy like my dad.” Well, here we are.
My desire to find an answer had a lot to do with my mother and watching what she went through in her journey through life and her death that just kept driving me and driving me, looking for answers.
My mother was a key focus, but I saw the thousands of people around me as clients, friends, members, and associates who were suffering with similar conditions as my mother; and I said, “There has to be an answer. This is not what God sent us here for.”
What was the answer? So I started looking.