Annemarie and European Oils, Part I

Thanks to a lady named Annemarie, Gary took a look at authentic European essential oils and found them much different than America’s perfume oils. This led to Gary studying with essential oil experts like Radwan Farag, PhD, seen here with Gary at the Riverton, Utah, Young Living laboratory.
People have asked me, ‘Gary, what got you into essential oils?’ So I’ll tell you a little story. In 1985 I had a woman come to my clinic with her sister from Zurich, Switzerland. I walked the woman through the clinic and showed her our facilities; and then I sat down, went through all of her medical records, had the nurses take her in with a couple of doctors on staff and check her out. Then I sat down with Annemarie, the sister, and started talking to her about the treatment that we would offer her sister. After we talked about it, she said to me, ‘Well, Dr. Young, what do you know about essential oils?’
And I said, ‘Oh, that aromatherapy stuff? Been there, done it, seen it, not interested.’ I had played a little bit with what were called essential oils from the health food store back in the late ’70’s. They were perfume oils. I didn’t know it because they called it aromatherapy. But I left them alone. By 1985 I still had not touched them again.
She said to me, ‘Well, do you believe that the herbs in your apothecary and the herbs you buy in the health food store are the same quality?’
And I said, ‘No, that’s why we gather our herbs and make our own formulas here.’
She said, ‘Exactly the same with essential oils. I’ve been coming to America for the last 20 years to visit my family. I’ve never seen a true essential oil in America. They are perfume oils and are used for aromatherapy. They’re not going to work.’
And I said, ‘Okay, I can accept that.’
(To be continued.)