Annemarie and European Oils, Part II

Annemarie sent Gary Young on a quest to learn all about essential oils. Here he is pictured with the French master distiller, Henri Viaud, who became Gary’s mentor in the art of distillation at his lab in France.
At 6 o’clock I couldn’t contain myself any longer, so I picked up the phone and dialed it. It rang once when I thought, oh Gary, don’t be ridiculous and don’t wake her up this early. I was putting the phone down when she answered and said, “Dr. Young, I was expecting your call.”
Because of that phone call, five days later I landed in Zurich, Switzerland; and her family met me at the airport. I went to a little village of Travers, spent a couple of days with the herbal medicine people, and then went on a train to the University of Geneva. There I took a 40-hour class with two doctors, Jean-Claude Lapraz and Paul Duraffourd on the properties of essential oils.
After visiting with them, they invited me to come to Paris after the seminar. So I jumped on a train and went to Paris and spent a week in the hospital with them where they were doing research with essential oils, putting one drop of essential oil on a sugar cube and giving it to the patient. The results were phenomenal.
At that point I then bought 13 different oils, 1 liter each, and brought them home to experiment with them in my clinic and on me. So that’s where I began my work.
So, yes, do I have a passion? Do I have a commitment? The answers are there if we want to search and find them.