Annemarie and European Oils, Part II

Fine-tuning the GC-MS in the Ecuador lab: Gary with his mentor, Herve Casabianca, PhD, the world’s foremost GC-MS expert.
Annemarie reached into her little briefcase, pulled out a manila envelope, slid it across my desk, and said, ‘I translated this for you if you have an interest.’ I opened it and it was a 32-page paper that she’d translated from French to English.
I left the clinic a little after midnight that night, got home, sat down at the table, and started reading it. After the first page I got excited. I jumped up, went over to my desk, grabbed a highlighter and a pen, and started highlighting and writing in the margins. She’d written her phone number where she was staying with her family in Alhambra, California, and wrote, ‘Dr. Young, if you have an interest, call me.’
I read and I marked and I read and I marked. And then I re-read. At 3 o’clock in the morning, I thought, I’d better get to bed because I’ve got to head back over to the clinic. I went to bed but I couldn’t sleep—I was too excited. I got up and re-read again and wrote some more.
Annemarie’s research sent me on a journey to meet essential oil experts throughout the world. I am so grateful for all that I learned and for the many mentors I was led to.