The Original Staff of Life

Hybrid wheat gives the farmer more grain to sell. But in this case, more is not better! It is not more nutritious, and it is not more healthful. Hybrid wheat is worse than empty calories.
It’s time to return to our ancestral staff of life before geneticists begin manipulating its DNA. Einkorn, the food of ancient civilization, with a natural, unmodified 14 chromosome DNA will impact our future in a positive way.
This is a picture of the wheat head that I took from the field in Morocco. On the left is the nonhybridized grain, and on the right is the American hybridized wheat. Look at the difference.
The one on the left stood on a stalk that was almost 5 feet tall, an average of 44 inches; and the one on the right, the American hybridized wheat—they called it American wheat in Morocco—was an average of 14 inches, typically.
The kernels are bigger. Why? Because it was genetically engineered to where it would create more production for less ground planted, and that’s what they’ve created. There was no concern about how it affected human life, just how much money could be made with it.
Triticum monococcum, einkorn, is an ancient grain and a potential candidate for replacing hybrid wheat, having no toxicity. Is that exciting?