An Overwhelming Farewell

Gary and Jacob are honored for helping the people of Yarsa rebuild their homes and their lives.
GARY: This was the day that Jacob and I were leaving to come home. But something unexpected happened.
JACOB: We started to leave, and the entire village, all 500 people, started to walk behind us. Before we had walked 5 feet away from the brick machine, they all gathered around us and said thank you. You may never get a feeling like that ever in your life, so it’s definitely one I will never forget.
GARY: Thank you, Jacob. And to share it with my son was exceptionally fantastic. To share it with each of you who may not be able to make the journey, your contributions will help to build homes for these people.
I thank all of you who have already contributed. We need to continue to raise money for all of the projects that we’re engaged in, because Young Living is a company that cares for people first. That’s our mission.

Gary and Jacob receive a royal send-off from the grateful villagers of Yarsa, Nepal.