State Your Dreams: Make Them Happen!

After Gary cut a frankincense tree and obtained a little resin, he stated his dream to Mary that one day he would have a distillery in Oman. Dreams need to be spoken!
I took Mary to the Middle East in 1995. We stopped in Oman and were driving through the countryside looking at places. We went out to Ubar. We stopped and we walked and we looked at the trees, and I cut some and got a little resin. And when we got on the plane to leave there to go to Hunzaland in Pakistan a couple of days later, I said, “Honey, one day I’m going to have a distillery here in Oman.”
And she said, “Well, that’s nice.” And I believe Kathy Farmer can remember me making that statement in a class, is that right, Kathy? Yes. Thank you.
This is another part of living your dream. If you don’t state it, it won’t happen. So when you’re around people who don’t believe you or make fun of you, then they’re not your friends. When you share a dream, people may not see it the way you do; but if they’re truly your friends, they’ll say, “Wow, that’s cool; go for it.” That’s a friend. Eldon Knittle traveled with me many times around the world; and when I’d share my dreams with him, he’d say, “Gary, I know you can do it.” You don’t want to be around dream stealers, you want to be around dream builders.
And this was a dream. I knew one day I would have a little farm and distillery here.