Conventions: Seeking Substance
MARY: I have to tell you a funny story. When I was building my business many, many years ago, long before Young Living, I loved conventions. Why? Because I could see the people in my organization. It was about being together, the meetings before, the meetings afterwards. We loved each other so much, and it was such a thrill to see everyone.

Jean Marie Hepworth
But you know what? There wasn’t much substance in the general meetings, and the leaders would be out in the halls visiting. I remember looking at that and thinking, “How sad it is that the company speakers have so little substance that the leaders don’t even want to be in their meetings.”
GARY: I also have to tell a little story, and I hope Mary will be okay with it.
MARY: Uh oh!
GARY: There was an annual convention of the other company in Anaheim, California, shortly after Mary also became—shh!—a Young Living member, and I was teaching a Raindrop seminar in Santa Barbara. She called me and asked me if I could stop in Anaheim on my way, that there were people she would like me to meet. So here they are at their annual convention, and I dropped in on them. The biggest meeting was held upstairs in Mary and Vonn’s suite, where I introduced Young Living to—Jean Marie Hepworth and her husband. That was where Mary’s Young Living organization began. So yes, she is a unique teacher.