Legacy Gary Member Stories – Lavender Harvest, Mona Farm
Since Gary Young’s passing, we have put a lot of thought into how to continue the D. Gary Young blog. We wanted to foster a stalwart commitment to Gary’s legacy, so we asked members to think of a fond memory of their time working with him on projects, on travels, at one of the farms, or in another setting, to share those memories with you.
Here’s one such memory from Laura L.:

Gary’s 2002-built harvester in action.
I believe it was around 2004 during the Lavender Harvest on the Mona Farm. I elected to help with the harvest for a week with a few other members.
I worked alongside Gary while he drove the hopper, cutting the lavender and then loading it into a dump truck to take down to the distillers. The first thing Gary explained to me was how his dream and passion for Young Living had nothing to do with making a pile of money and everything to do with helping people. We would work long, hard hours and eat amazingly well.
Gary taught us oil classes in the evenings, and I loved listening to his stories about his many other adventures.
One morning we arrived for breakfast, and Gary cooked us omelets, oatmeal, pancakes, toast, and potatoes. That must have been what you call a farmer’s breakfast.
When the week was about to end, he asked us if we wanted to stay another day or two, so he could take us to listen live to the 75th Anniversary of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
The following day, he drove us to the airport and saw us off with a hug.