Why Are Plant Enzymes Important?

The children from the Young Living Academy in Ecuador still have ample amylase reserves. But adults may need supplementation.
Plant enzymes have a wider range of activity than animal enzymes because there are so many of them such as protease, peptidase, lipase, amylase, glucoamylase, alpha-galactosidase, cellulase, hemicellulase, invertase, malt diastase, lactase, pectinase, and phytase. Wow, that’s a mouthful of “-ases.”
The plant enzymes, which are in your yellow capsule of Essentialzymes-4, contain Fiberzyme, Polyzyme, and Carbozyme and are so essential for you.
Why is Fiberzyme important? People today do not digest fiber, and fiber is the host to candida, bacteria, and viruses. I have yet in 30 years to see a single patient with candida who was able to digest fiber.
Polyzyme contains protease to maximize protein digestion. It facilitates the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, supports the digestion of high-fat foods such as nuts, and enhances the absorption of nutrients.
Carbozyme contains amylase for digesting carbohydrates. The absence of amylase is the No. 1 cause of allergies today, so look at that and look at your past. Were you a child that maybe was nursed for a couple of months, and Mama ran out of milk, so she had to put you on formula? If that’s the case, you did not get enough amylase to build up the reserve in the body to be able to digest carbohydrates. And so what are you allergic to? Carbohydrates. All of this just builds the stage for having a wide range of health problems including allergies and gluten intolerance.
Now again, why are you so sensitive to gluten? Part of it is because all of the gluten products today are made from hybrid grains that have no enzymes. If you don’t have the enzymes, the product you are eating doesn’t have enzymes, so what’s going to digest it? Nothing. It’s going to create fermentation and may create a host environment for candida, bacteria, or a pathogen that leads to a disease. You are going to have problems and complications.