Giving Back!
I dreamed about having a farm in South America. In 1997 I told my employees at the farm in Utah, “One day I’ll build a farm in South America. If you’re here and you qualify, you’ll have the opportunity to apply for a transfer and go with me and help build a farm in South America.” One of those employees, Larry Nelson, has been in South America with me now for the last 4 years and has worked for me for 15 years. We graduated from high school together.

Young Living farm, distillery, and spa in Chongon (Guayaquil), Ecuador.
I dreamed about having an excess, so I could do more and give more. You see, part of dreaming and part of creating is so you can give back. When we don’t give back, maybe sometimes our dreams fall short because there’s a spiritual law that God taught us all, which some call tithing. Whatever that means to each person, it is a God-given law.

Gary found a way to give back by building the Young Living Academy, a K-12 school, a short distance from the farm for the children of Chongon and which now includes children from Guayaquil as well.
How we give back is up to each individual; but I can tell you this, it is one of the main principles in my life that I feel I can credit to my success, because I have always given back. Mary and I continue to give back, every day, personally and with Young Living, wherever there’s a need in the world.