We Have Something to Believe In!

Celebrating having a new sign at the Young Living Lavender farm in the Simiane-la-Rotonde Valley in Provence, France, in 2003.
GARY: I don’t care what other companies say, because I know this business better than anyone out there. I’m in it every day. And if you question what I say, then jump on the plane this afternoon, go to France, call Jean-Noël, and have him give you a tour of Provence. All you’re going to see everywhere you drive on the plateau is Young Living, Young Living, Young Living, Young Living farms. No company in the world can boast that, and I’m not about boasting, I’m about stating fact.
You have something to believe in. You have something to be proud of, because I looked at the trends 30 years ago, I looked at what was going to happen. I looked at medicine and knew that it could not sustain itself going forward the way it was. The future is natural medicine, and it’s growing more and more every year.
Do we still build a business like we did a decade ago? How many say yes?

The Young Living Lavender Farm in the Simiane Valley in Provence, France, is the largest true lavender farm in the world!
MARY: Not very many.
GARY: Good, thank you. But are there facets of business building from a decade ago that should be incorporated today?
MARY: Yes.
GARY: Yes. And what Mary said about doing it one-on-one, in your home, is so fantastic. What you people have today is that you have the best of both worlds. You have the knowledge from the past, from some of these seasoned builders. And you know, when I listen to Mary talk, I think “How could she have done all that at 39?”
MARY: Oh, isn’t he sweet!